Hey guys!Pozdravljeni!
It's been a while since my last blog, but I am back with one new beauty post. Now I am going to talk about something, that most of us deal with (if not, you are one lucky bastard), but it is gross and I had to get rid of it once in a while. So the theme of the blog is: black heads.
Že nekaj časa je od zadnje objave, ampak spet sem nazaj, z novim lepotnim postom. Danes bom govorila o stvari, s katero se nas večina spopada (če ne ste prekleti srečneži), ampak je dokaj ogabno in se je tega treba rešiti in se s tem ubadati na vsake toliko. Torej tema današnjega bloga: ogrci.
I used two products to try out if they work or if they are whack. I had a blast trying these out, plus an injury, because I am such a clumsy person.. So before I start, I must say, that I've tried out DIY black-head thing - egg whites with toalete paper. It didn't work out for me.. But still if you want to give it a go, go ahead! :)
Uporabila sem dva izdelka, da ugotovim, če kateri od njiju opravi svoje delo. Z veseljem sem vse preizkusila in fasala eno poškodbo, ker sem tak štor. Preden pa začnem, pa naj še dodam, da sem poskusila že z DIY domačim pripravkom za ogrce - z beljaki in wc papirjem. Zame sploh ni funkioniralo, ampak če želite poskusiti, vi kar! :)
So I worked with two drugstore products:
Delala sem z dvem izdelkoma iz drogerije:
*Essence Pure skin nose strips
*Balea Soft&Clear nose strips
As you just read I chose nose stripes for blackheads and decided to give them a go. I tried them separately.
Kot ste prebrali, sem izbrala obliže za nos proti ogrcem in jim dala možnost. Preizkusila pa sem jih seveda ločeno.
Essence Pure Skin Purifying Nose Strips
The product says, that it has salicylic acid and white clay, which help remove blackheads fast and efficiently + it refines pores and skin texture. First thing I did was that I put a towel with hot water on my nose - because the heat opens the pores. After that I put few drops of water on my nose, for the strips to stick on. After you stick it on, you wait for 10 minutes. After that you peel it of !!!gently!!!
p.s. I didn't do it gently, since I thought it will work better if i do it fast and hard lol. I peeled a little bit of my skin of certain areas of my nose, It did hurt and had to heal for few days. So do as it says. If you do it gently, you will see disgusting dots on strip.
Na izdelku piše da ima salicilno kislino in belo glino. Oba naj bi pomagala odstraniti ogrce hitro in učinkovito, obenem pa pomaga ožati pore in polepša teksturo kože. Prva stvar, ki sem jo naredila je bila, da sem brisačo zmočila z zelo vročo vodo, malce počakala in jo podržala na predel nosu, da so se odprle pore. Nato sem obraz rahlo zmočila, da se je obliž gor prijel. Nato sem čakala - 10 minut. Zatem moraš obliž !!!NEŽNO!!! odlepiti. Vzemite me za besedo, ker jaz nisem bila nežna in sem si odtrgala nekaj kože z nosu, saj sem mislila, da bom tako prišla do boljših rezultatov.. Kar očitno nisem. Nato pa sem seveda pogledala na obliž, kjer so se videle te ogabne male zadeve. Torej deluje!
Balea Soft&Clear nose strips
This product also has salicylic acid and tea tree oil. So the finished result should be the same. I did the same as with Essence nose strips. I prepared my skin, put a few drops of water on my nose and put the nose strip on. After 10-15 minutes it should remove my blackheads. But it didn't. I have to say that I was dissapointed, but oh well..
Tudi ta ima salicilno kislino, obenem pa olje čajevca. Končni rezultat bi moral biti enak kot pri Essence obližih. Ponovila sem isti postopek. Pripravila sem kožo, namočila obraz, nalepila obliž. Po 10-15 minutah sem ga odstranila, saj bi po tem času ogrci morali biti odstranjeni. Vendar niso bili. Moram priznati, da sem bila razočarana, ampak nič zato.
Hot wet towel opened up my pores
Vroča mokra brisača mi je odprla pore
So does it work? Or is it wack?
I have to admit, that I was surprised, that one did work and the other didn't. I expected none of them to work, since it costs about 2-3€ (in DM). Essence won this one. It actually worked and I now I am using it regularly. But the Balea one was a total whack and it didn't work AT ALL. Not even a little bit. I wanted to post photos of end result, but I already felt disgusted about the whole post, since I am not that type of girl (I have a hard time talking about topics like this - similar to periods).
Moram priznati, da sem bila presenečena, ko je en izdelek deloval, drugi pa ne. V bistvu sem pričakovala, da noben nebo deloval, glede na to, da stane le 2-3€ (v DM-u). Tukaj Essence zmaga. Dejansko je delovalo in zdaj te obliže redno uporabljam. Ampak Baleini so bili totalni poraz in sploh niso delovali. Hotela sem objaviti fotke končnega rezultata na obližih, ampak se mi je zdel ogaben že sam post, kaj šele te fotke.. Nisem take vrste punca, ki bi se lahko tako veselo pogovarjala o tem stvareh (kot tudi ne o menstruaciji).. Žal mi je, ampak ne morem si pomagati.
At the end, for that price it is a good thing to try, so the Essence nose strips are definitely the ones I recommend you to try, plus it is such an affordable price. Who doesn't love that? I sure do.
Za konec še dodam, da se za tako nizko ceno splača poskusiti in Essence obliži so definitivno vredni poskusa. Res jih priporočam, ker so tako dostopni. Kdo nima rad tega? Jaz sigurno imam.
So this is it or now, hope you enjoyed it! I only have one question, What do you do against this nasty little punks on your face? What do you recommend?
To je to zaenkrat, upam, da vam je blog zanimiv. Imam vprašanje. Kaj vi naredite proti tem majhnim barabam? Kaj priporočate?
Duckface selfie ;D
Have a nice week, enjoy it and I'll talk to you later! :) <3
Imejte lep teden, uživajte in se tipkamo! :) <3
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Sledite mi na socialnih omrežjih ali pa mi pošljite Snapchat!!
Instagram: MarcelaAnzel
Snapchat: marcelica
Facebook: NaturallyMarcela
I love to hear from you and really enjoy it!
Rada vas slišim in v tem res uživam!
Fabulous review. Loved your detailed post.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you precious! xo
IzbrišiHave a great weekend Marcela! xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiSame to you! xo
IzbrišiReally liked this review, your blog is super cute x
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you so much! xo
IzbrišiMa tole čudežno zadevico si kupujem že nevem sploh koliko časa in sem vesela, da deluje:), no upam samo da naslednjič ne pozabim ko bom v Dm-u:)
Ja res deluje! No lepo :)
IzbrišiGreat review!
OdgovoriIzbrišilovely Greetings :)
Thank you! xoxo
IzbrišiZanimivo :) Tudi jaz drugih kot teh dveh še nisem preizkusila :) Bom enkrat v prihodnosti še poiskala druge opcije :) xoxo