15 RANDOM facts about me


How are you? I know, as always I'm posting so rarely that I'm starting to annoy myself. But I am here now. I was thinking what to write about. Then it came to my mind - why not write 15 random facts about me. Let's just get it started:
Kako ste kaj? Vem, redko objavljam in počasi me že to živcira. Ampak zdaj sem tukaj. Razmišljala sem o čem naj pišem. Nato me je prešinilo, da bi napisala 15 dejstev o sebi, kar enih. Bom kar začela:

1. I love to workout
I was always happy when working out, it's such an amazing thing, stress releaser and it also benefits my body, of course. Recently I am working out everyday, doing it very hard. But not for summer, for LIFE! I hate when people say that they have to get they summer body. Being fit and ealthy is a lifestyle not a thing to achieve for couple of months and then continue with unhealthy living.
Obožujem telovadbo. Vedno sem srečna, ko telovadim, res je super, te sprosti pred stresom in seveda koristi telesu. Trenutno telovadim vsak dan in se res trudim. Ampak ne za poletje, temveč za celo življenje! Sovražim, ko ljudje rečejo, da delajo na svojem "poletnem telesu". Biti fit in zdrav je stil življenja in ne le muha za čez poletje, ko ga je konec pa nadaljujejo z nezdravim načinom..

2. I have two sisters - one is half-sister. My mom and dad got my sister almost 4 years before me. And when I was 9 my father got another daughter with his second wife.
Imam dve sestri - eno polsestro. Moja starša sta dobila mojo sestro skoraj štiri leta pred mano. Ko pa sem bila stara 9 let, pa je oče s svojo drugo ženo dobil še eno hčerko, mojo polsestro :) 

3. White color! I adore white color, I always loved it. It is so elegant and pure. Just love it :) 
Bela barva! Obožujem belo barvo, vedno sem jo imela rada. Je tako elegantna in čista. Enostano obožujem jo! 

4. When I was 7 months old I had a surgery that saved my life. (thank god, the Lord decided to keep a legend my parents created LOL)
Ko sem bila stara 7 mesecev sem imela operacijo, ki mi je rešila življenje (hvala bogu, da je ostala legenda, ki sta jo ustvarila moja starša hahahaaha)

5. I played a lot of sports. Football, volleyball, badminton, I also danced hip hop, ballet.
Trenirala sem več športov. Med drugim nogomet, odbojko, badminton, plesala sem hip hop in tudi balet.

6. I hate horror movies. You can call me scared-pants, because I can't even go to the toilet at night by myself, because it gets in my head and I'm affraid. 
Sovražim grozljivke. Ponoči ne morem niti na wc, ker me je preveč strah in me mora nekdo pospremit. 

7. I don't have a lot of friends. I am not ashamed of it. My values are so different from values of other young people. I don't drink and go out much so I feel like I don't even fit in. But I rather have few friends that are loyal, honest and kind than friends that call you only when they need you, are hypocrites. People are only looking for being popular and they don't even care what's really going on. So sad..
Nimam veliko prijateljev. Tega se ne sramujem. Moje vrednote se zelo razlikujejo od vrednot drugih mladih ljudi. Ne pijem in ne hodim po diskotekah. Raje imam nekaj zvestih prijateljev, ki so iskreni in prijazni, kot pa tiste, ki te kličejo samo kadar se pije, ali ko te potrebujejo. Žalostno..

8. First thing I notice about people are their eyebrows. What the hell is wrong with me? I always think how they could fix them and stuf.. Weird, I know.. Can't help it though.. 
Prva stvar, ki jo opazim na ljudeh so obrvi. Kaj je narobe z menoj? Vedno razmišljam, ali so lepo urejene, ali bi se lahko kako popravile itd.. Čudno, vem.. Ne morem nič.. ;)

9. I am an honest cat lover! No words needed.
Sem ljubiteljica mačk! Besede niso pomembne!

10. I am a boss ass woman. I can't help it. Women in my family are all strong and so am I. And proud for it, I always stand for what I believe in. 
Sem gospodovalna ženska. Ne morem pomagati. Vse ženske v naši družini so temperamentne in močne in takšna sem tudi jaz. Sem ponosna na to, ker se vedno postavim za tisto, v kar verjamem! 

11. Love taking photos. Like who doesn't, right?
Obožujem fotografiranje. Kdo pa ne, je tako?

12. Obsessed with snapchat. Taking and sending photos of like everything. My nickname: marcelica
Obsedena sem s snapchatom. Fotkanje in pošiljanje vsega. Moj nickame: marcelica

13. I dislike icecream. Never was a fan of it. I eat it here and there, but rather not.
Ne maram sladoleda. Nikoli ga nisem imela rada. Tu pa tam ga jem, priznam, ampak mi ni preveč všeč.

14. I am a reality show addict. I really love those that are on E! channel. But The show I like and watch since 2007 is Keeping Up With The Kardashians (who would guess?!) and all of their other shows, which I watch on internet even before they air in Europe :) 
Sem obsedenka z resničnostnimi šovi. Najrajši imam te na E! tv. Ampak šov, ki ga gledam že od leta 2007 je Keeping Up With The Kardashians (kdo bi uganil,a?) in vsi ostali njihovi šovi, ki jih gledam po spletu preden se predvajajo v Evropi :) 

15. I am an old soul in young body. I am mature and responsible and overthink everything. I really don't fit in this era. Sometimes I say that I should be born few decades earlier, because people were much more simple and kind and had better values.
Sem stara duša v mladem telesu. Sem zrela, odgovorna in vse preveč premislim. Kot da ne spadam v ta čas. Včasih rečem, da bi se mogla roditi par deset let nazaj, ker so bili ljudje bolj preprosti in prijazni in so imeli boljše vrednote.

That is it, I hope you found out something new, if you have any question please comment below - I will be happy! 
To je to, upam da ste ugotovili kaj novega, če imate kakšno vprašanje komentirajte - bom vesela!

Until next time, have fun, enjoy the beautiful weather! 
Do naslednjič, lepo se imejte in uživajte v prelepem vremenu!

Love ya, Marcela xoxo


  1. Jaz tudi sovražim grozljivke. Mislim, da sem jih vse skupaj enih 5 ''pogledala'' in me jih je še danes strah če se spomnim na njih :D

    1. Pol sva že dve :) Heheh, ja ma kar ostane vse skupaj v glavi, vsaj meni dogaja domišljija ful preveč :D xo


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