Photos only #3

Hey dolls!

I am not posting anything but photos lately, obviously. The reason why? I feel so hot, that I keep all od my makeup very minimal - as you will be able to see in photos. I really want to post my review on few high-end lipsticks, but that will happen someday in future, but probably not this or another week. It is freaking 35°C and all I do is work and then chill in water or on the couch. But I will do my best to post a review. #sorrynotsorry 
But since now it is so cold that I can enjoy my fluffy socks and leggings there is basically nothing else to do than appreciate my blog readers and post some new stuff.. :)
Očitno že dolgo nisem objavila nič razen fotk. Zakaj? Ker mi je tako vroče, da je ves moj makeup čisto minimalen - kot boste lahko videli na fotkah. Res sem želela objaviti svoj review o nekaj dražjih šminkah, ampak kmalu, zdaj še ne. Imamo nekje 35°C in jaz umiram. Dobesedno ne delam skoraj nič drugega kot študentsko delo, potem pa namakanje v vodi ali pa sem na nizki porabi energije na kavču. Se bom pa potrudila, da bo tudi to kmalu objavljeno.
Ker pa je zdaj super mrzlo in lahko uživam v svojih debelih nogavicah in pajkicah, praktično ni kaj drugo za počet, kot pa se posvetiti blogu in objaviti nekaj novega :) 

So here is another one fom the serie "Photos only" . As I told, I haven't been doing much, just a bunch of office selfies and cat amusement (read:laying around). Enjoy! You will hear from me soon! #honestly
Torej tukaj je naslednja objava iz serije "photos only". Kot sem povedala, ne počnem veliko stvari, le veliko selfijev in pa zabave z mačkom (beri: poležavanja). Uživajte, in se kmalu beremo! :)

Just sitting on the floor taking selfies

My everyday style since I'm so lazy

How cute is this swimsuit? 

Yes, I do have glasses but I have to wear them
occasionally while on computer


So yummy!

When he decides to calm the fuck down :D

@B-day party, crazy as always

My lovely dog

My fauvorite thing to do 


I had too much time @work
#tatted #loveit

He always likes to lay on me. What's 
up with this animals? :D

@ work

Mirror selfie

Fresh and home grown :)

Selfie before jumping in the pool

Car selfie - my hand is crazy looking

Haha I was LOL while my cat was in this position
searching for his mouse

Little ducks, how cute are they? 

Before work

Regular snapchat #nomakeup

In love with the Coco

Sledite mi na socialnih omrežjih:
Follow me on social media:

Instagram: MarcelaAnzel
Snapchat: marcelica

Love ya, Marcela xoxo


  1. Such a lovely relaxed fotos! You look so classy.

  2. Georgeous photos, dear Marcela! You look adorable!!! Love your cute swimsuite with the miniskirt.

    It´s freaking hot in Austria too and I do the same as you: working and than chill in water or on the couch ... ggg ...

    Thank you soo much for your lovely coment on my blog. I appreciate it very much!

    xoxo Nadine

    1. Thank you so much Nadine! I am so glad that the days are chilly lately, it feels really good.

      Thanks and enjoy! xoxo

  3. Great pics dear!

    Please click on the link on my post

  4. Zdaj sem opazila.. Kaj ti tudi pišeš blog že 3 leta? :O Jaz sem mislila, da si kako leto za menoj začela. Niti vedela nisem, res :D Pridna, samo tudi ti zdaj malo štrajkaš po objavah sodeč. In tiste kopalke z visokim pasom, so božanske! Uživaj ;*

    1. Huh, je res že toliko časa? :D hitro mine ;) Heh, res je, Ob delu in vsem se mi zdi da zmanjka časa ali pa inspiracije, ne vem.. Bom se potrudila ;) Oh, hvala. Tudi ti uživaj! :) :*


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