Hey beauties!
It has been for pretty long time since I bought these Milani lipsticks, but I decided to write a post about them anyways.
Že precej časa je mimo, odkar sem kupila Milani šminki, ampak sem se odločila, da vseeno napišem eno objavo.
So I have two shades - the pink and dark purple. I am going to describe them separately - colour and application + texture, but I will describe the packaging and the price all together.
Imam dva odtenka - rožnatega in temno vijoličnega. Opisala ju bom ločeno, o zunanjem izgledu in ceni pa kar skupaj.
It is so pretty. I am sucker for gold, shiny things, so this is perfect for me. It is really beautiful gold packaging, it has Milani written on it, and on the bottom you can see the colour of lipstick.
Pakiranje je zelo lepo. Rada imam vse, kar je zlato, sijoče, tako da je embalaža perfektna. Embalaža je lepe, sijoče zlate barve, gor piše ime znamke, Milani, na dnu pa se vidi barva šminke - odtenek.
Evaluation on packaging: 10/10
Ocena embalaže: 10/10
I bought them online - on Mojadrogerija.si. The price is: 8,37€. I do not think that it is expensive. For what you get, the price is great!
Kupila sem ju preko spleta - na spletni strani Mojadrogerija.si. Cena je 8,37€ (+poštnina). Mislim, da cena sploh ni visoka. Glede na to, kar dobiš, je cena super!
Evaluation on price: 9/10
Ocena cene: 9/10
You can get them here:
Kupite jih lahko na spodnji povezavi:
Pink one (rožnat odtenek):
----> Milani Matte Blissful
Purple one (vijoličen odtenek):
----> Milani Matte Glam
Milani Matte Blissful
Color: The color is subtle, nice pink. It really looks very cute if you go dramatic with your eyes, or even if you choose more natural look.
Barva: Barva je umirjena in zelo lepa rožnata. Izgleda zelo luštno, če jo kombiniraš z dramatično naličenimi očmi ali pa tudi s čisto nežnim makeupom.
Evaluation of color: 10/10
Ocena barve: 10/10
Application: Application is very smooth and easy. I really like how it glides on so easy. I preffer it with the lip pen, so it look more "put together".
Nanos: Nanos je zelo gladek in enostaven. Res mi je všeč, kako preprosto se nanaša. Najraje jo nanesem s predhodno nanešenim črtalom za ustnice, tako da izgleda bolj urejeno.
Evaluation on application: 10/10
Ocena nanosa: 10/10
Texture: I also like the texture. It is one of the rare matte lipsticks, that do not dry your lips, instead you feel very moisturized and protected. It also blocks the water and is very soft on the lips.
Tekstura: Tekstura je res super. Je ena izmed redkih mat šmink, ki ne izsušijo ustnic, ampak je občutek zelo vlažilen in občutek imam, da so zaščitene. Prav tako blokira vodo in je zelo prijeten občutek na ustnicah.
Evaluation on texture: 10/10
Ocena teksture; 10/10
Persistency: It is quite long lasting, of course if I eat or kiss or something, it will likely go off.
Obstojnost: Je kar dolgo obstojna, seveda, če jem ali se poljubljam ali kaj podobnega, gre dol.
Evaluation on persistency: 7/10
Ocena obstojnosti: 7/10
Milani Matte Glam
Color: The color is very pretty, purple. It goes really well with winged cat eye or with blended black eye pencil. It also looks great with natural look, since strong lip look always goes well with soft eyes.
Barva: Barva je lepa, vijolična. Zelo lepo se poda k tušu ali malce zblendano črno barvico. Prav tako se poda k naravnem izgledu, saj so močne ustnice in nežne oči vedno dobra izbira.
Evaluation on color: 10/10
Ocena barve: 10/10
Application: Application was such a pain in the ass. It is really hard to get it on so it looks flawless. It didn't look flawless at all. It is really pretty, but hard at the same time. Plus, I do not own any lip liner that is in this color, so it sucks for me and I need to buy it. But was really dissapointed on that part. But still this is the story of my life with every dark color.
Nanos: Nanos je kar nekaj. Res je težek in težko izgleda popolno in brez napak. Pri meni niti slučajno ni izgledalo brez napake. Nimam niti črtala za ustnice v tej barvi, tako da je bilo toliko težje. Razočaranje... Sicer pa to je story of my life pri vsaki temni barvi.
Evaluation on application: 4/10
Ocena nanosa: 4/10
Texture: I also like the texture. It is one of the rare matte lipsticks, that do not dry your lips, instead you feel very moisturized and protected. It also blocks the water and is very soft on the lips.
Tekstura: Tekstura je res super. Je ena izmed redkih mat šmink, ki ne izsušijo ustnic, ampak je občutek zelo vlažilen in občutek imam, da so zaščitene. Prav tako blokira vodo in je zelo prijeten občutek na ustnicah.
Evaluation on texture: 10/10
Ocena teksture; 10/10
Persistency: It is quite long lasting, of course if I eat or kiss or something, it will likely go off. The only thing that bothers me is the stain, that remains after I remove the lipstick.
Obstojnost: Je kar dolgo obstojna, seveda, če jem ali se poljubljam ali kaj podobnega, gre dol. Edino kar me moti je madež, ki ostane na ustnicah po tem, ko šminko odstranim.
Evaluation on persistency: 7/10
Ocena obstojnosti: 7/10
But overall I really like them and would love to expand my collection. Do you have any Milani Matte lipstick? What do you think of it?
Torej nasplošno sta mi šminki res všeč in bi rada povečala svojo zbirko. Pa ti? Imaš kakšno Milani Matte šminko? Kaj meniš o njej?
Have fun you guys, I love you so much and I will be back with another post very soon!
Lepo se imejte! Rada vam imam in kmalu se vrnem z novo objavo!
Love ya, Marcela xoxo
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Sledite mi na družbenih omrežjih:
Both colours are beautiful! Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou got that right. Thank you, you are so lovely! You too, girl! xoxo
IzbrišiThe Shades are amazing, really beautiful!
OdgovoriIzbrišilovely Greetings :)
I couldn't agree more! xoxo
IzbrišiJoj, čeprav ti kar paše tale dark Milani! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala xoxo :)
Izbrišio kolko so lepe, tudi taka meni ljuba odtenka:)in v čist obeh si hudaaaa:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMe veseli :) Oh, hvala :)) xoxo
IzbrišiBoth shades are gorgeous ! You are beautiful :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI agree! Aww, thank you, you are too cute! xo