Spet jaz s potratnimi nakupi. Tokrat sem se zaljubila v Kimoji Hearts parfum znamke KKW Fragrance (Kim Kardashian). Gledala sem že njene Gardenia parfume, pa me nekako niso prepričali (beri: smilil se mi je denar za carino za nekaj, kar ne vem, če mi bo ugajalo). Tokrat, ko je naznanila sladke vonje pa caka - moj bo! Naj dodam, da je omejena izdaja in drugih več ne bo. Valda sem se zakadila v nakup, kot bik v nova vrata. Spet sem čakala na uradno uro in opravila nakup. S carino se nisem obremenjevala. Ups...
[ It's me and my crazy foreign shopping. Again. This time I fell in love with Kimoji Hearts perfume from KKW Fragrance (Kim Kardashian's). I have been looking her gardenia perfumes, but I wasn't sold (read: the customs just weren't worth it). But this time, when she announced this sweet scents - muahaha it will be mine! Lol. Let me add that this was limited edition and there will be no more. Of course I went all in. I waited for the official release hour. I didn't care abou customs this time. Woops.]
Bili so trije vonji in barve:
- pink: BFF
- moder: BAE
- vijoličen: RIDE OR DIE
Glede na opis vonjev sem se odločila za pink parfum (hvalabogu, moja barva). Tudi drugi vonji se niso slišali slabo. Ampak glede na to, da kupujem na slepo, sem se odločila za tiste note, ki so mi nabližje.
Zgornje note: divje jagodičevje, ribez in star apple (dejansko nisem našla prevoda, oziroma nimam pojma, kako mi imenujemo ta sadež - zvezdno jabolko?)
Srednje note: cvetni listi rožnate vrtnice, jasmin in cvet hruške
Osnova: Cedarovina, vanilijin maršmelov (pričaj kao govoriš) in mošus
Z eno besedo: Sladko. In omamno. In njami. Vse naenkrat. Res zelo lep sladek vonj. Vendar ni tisti sladek, po katerem ti v avtomobilu po dveh minutah postane slabo, ti trikrat obrne želodec in imaš pokvarjen dan. Ampak tisti sladek vonj, ki je ravno dovolj intenziven, da ga zaznaš in ti izboljša počutje.
[Kimoji hearts come in three different smells and colours: pink - BFF, blue - BAE and violet: RIDE OR DIE. Depending on the description of the smells I decided for pink one (pink btw is my color). Other two didn't sound bad at all. But because I was buying not knowing, what I was getting, I decided for notes, I was most familiar with.
Top notes: wild berries, pink currant, star apple
Heart: pink rose petals, jasmine sambac, pear blossom
Base: cedarwood, marshmallow vanilla, musk
One word: sweet. And amazing. And yummy. Everything at once. Really nice, sweet smell. But not that sweet, after which you become sick in the car and you feel sick as f**k. But that with just right intensity for you to feel great.]
Srček, ki se prilega dlani. Roza barve z napisom BFF. O embalaži nimam ravno veliko besed, je pa posebna, srčkasta in pocukrana.
[A heart, that fits your palm right. It is pink with BFF written on it. I do not have a lot of words for packaging. It is special, sweet and a bit cheesy. ]
Za obstojnost sem se potrudila in jo za vas preizkušala vsak dan (haha, koga hecamo? Obožujem ga.). Zelo prijeten vonj, ki je tudi zelo obstojen. Kaj nam pomaga dober parfum, če ga po eni uri več ni? Na koži se lepo obnese, vendar zdrži en dan (halo, moramo se tuširati). Sem pa ga nanesla tudi na lase in do naslednjega umivanja so tako lepo dišali (cca. 2-3 dni).
[I really did my best for you and wore it everyday to try it out (lol, who are we kidding? I love it). It is a very nice smell, and it stays on. What do we have from perfume, if it doesn't stay all day? It stays on the skin for all day (well, we have to take a shower). But I also applied it on my hair and until the next wash they smelled so damn nice (for 2-3 days).]
Spet smo tukaj. Spet bodo vsi moji prebrali, koliko sem zapravila za en parfum. Sorry, not sorry? Pa gremo k matematiki:
Cena parfuma + dostava: 30$+22$ DHL dostava
Carina: 22% davek + carinski postopek
= 45€ + 22€
Skupna cena: 77€
Se vzdržujem komentarja.
[Price: Here wwe go again. My whole family will see, how much I spent on a perfume. Sorry, not sorry? We'll let's do the math:
Price of perfume + shipping: 30$ + 22$ DHL shipping
Customs: 22% tax + customs
= 45€ + 22€
Whole price: 77€
No further comments.
Parfum sem kupila na spletni strani KKW Fragrance. Žal je bil omejena izdaja, zato ga ni več moč kupiti. Parfum je fantastičen, zato bi seveda kupila nakup. Ampak, ker parfuma več ne bo na voljo, bom prihranila kar nekaj denarja.
[ Wher can you buy it, would I buy again? I bought it on KKW Fragrance site. Unfortunately, it was a limited edition, so it will not be available again. It is fantastic, so I woukd buy it again, if it was available. Bu since it won't be, I will save me some money. ]
Še eden nakup, vreden svojega denarja. Bil je tvegan, ampk sem res vesela, da sem raskirala denar in ga kupila. Od Kim imam že dva parfuma in oba sta res zelo obstojna in vonja sta čudovita. Če želite, ju pokažem na instastoryu (komentirajte, pišite na instagramu ali facebooku).
[Final thoughts: it is a buy, worth it's value. It was risque, but I am really happy that I bought it. I already have two perfumes from Kim K and they both are very great. If you want, I can show them on my instastory (let me now in the comment, instagram or facebook).
Instagram: marcelaanzel
Facebook: NaturallyMarcela
Snapchat: marcelica
Se beremo kmalu!
Until next time!
Love ya, Marcela xoxo
Dejnsko parfum zgleda noro kjut in pa note so take,da bi meni tudi odgovarjal vonj. 😊 In pa, za vse ki bi imeli komentar na ceno... za dober parfum se pač plača. 😊
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe strinjam :) Edina škoda je, da je samo 30ml. <3